
Change happens through... Eddy Dureuil
Anabelle Danegais

Anabelle Danegais


The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montreal (JCCM) enters a new era as the presidency gives way to The Collective of ambassadors and spokespersons. Composed of four diverse profiles, The Collective becomes the voice of the priorities of the young business community and the organization's committed stances. Explore the profiles of these Ambassadors and how they embody the message "Change happens through you".

Eddy Dureuil is a fervent advocate of impact entrepreneurship. He launched his entrepreneurial career by setting up the first ecological laundromat in French Guiana, which was hailed for its success and became an example for young local entrepreneurs. Four months later, he opened a second laundromat in Cayenne. Then, in his native Martinique, he founded Cyclo'Com, offering eco-tourist rides on electrically-assisted tricycles, with innovative structures serving as communication media.

Since 2015, he has devoted himself to sustainable development through the co-creation of his company Ecotime, aiming to promote a new, responsible way of building thanks to water recycling technologies.

Challenging the status quo

What motivates Eddy on a daily basis is the challenge. His personality is constantly solution-oriented. He explains that he always strives to adopt an approach to thinking outside the norms of society.

"Today, I believe it is essential to involve current and future generations in the process of change. Often, we see big changes imposed from the top down. For me, leadership that emanates from below and pushes information to the top is what will bring about change."

Eddy believes that young people, with their fresh, innovative outlook on the world around them, are a driving force for change. He illustrates this idea with a metaphor: "In a car, the windshield is wide while the mirrors are narrow. We need to draw inspiration from the past, but it's to the future that we must primarily direct our gaze in order to progress." He believes that the next generation has the natural leadership, determination to act, and bold confidence to challenge convention.

A united voice for the next generation

Eddy particularly appreciates the fact that Le Collectif brings together people with diverse backgrounds, reflecting the richness of the metropolis' population. As an ambassador, he is motivated to put his skills at the service of the business community. His main objective is to help young people assert their leadership and embody change. He aspires to establish an authentic link with members and to carry their voice so that it contributes to building a progressive, inclusive and economically sustainable society.

Rapid-fire questions

🤫What would we be surprised to learn about you?

My tenacity. I don't give up.

🤍What advice would you have liked to have received 10 years ago?

There are no failures in life. You either learn, or you win.

🚀Why did you decide to do the work you do today?

To have an impact on people's lives and on the planet.





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