
Change happens through... Sybile Yao
Anabelle Dagenais

Anabelle Dagenais


The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montreal (JCCM) enters a new era as the presidency gives way to The Collective of ambassadors and spokespersons. Composed of four diverse profiles, The Collective becomes the voice of the priorities of the young business community and the organization's committed stances. Explore the profiles of these Ambassadors and how they embody the message "Change happens through you".

Sybile Yao, originally from Paris, crossed the Atlantic in 2017 for a new phase in her career in event and sponsorship management on North American soil. As soon as she arrived in Montreal, Sybile took the initiative to expand her network, which led her to join the JCCM as a volunteer. For 2 years now, she has been Events and Sponsorship Manager at BNP Paribas.

Through her involvement with the JCCM, Sybile has played a key role as a member of the jury for the ARISTA Competition, which spotlights Quebec's up-and-coming business talent. She also hosted the JCCM's 90th Anniversary Cocktail, as well as several panels aimed at helping people master the art of networking, particularly in times of pandemic. "When I'm offered opportunities, I take them."

Making things change

Sybile is passionate about developing human connections and finds great inspiration in female leadership, which she attributes to her mother, "a strong single parent who forged the woman I am today."

According to Sybile, change begins with each individual, and she firmly believes that "the up-and-coming community that gravitates around the JCCM holds the power to shape the business world in line with its values and ambitions."

In her role as ambassador, Sybile aspires to challenge the status quo and to be where she is least expected. She notes that the professional world tends to favor similar profiles, and she advocates greater inclusion, encompassing ethno-cultural communities, women and different age brackets. "It's essential to give everyone the opportunity to express their added value."

United we stand

For the first time, the JCCM presidency is paving the way for The Collective of ambassadors, a direction that is of great importance to Sybile. She appreciates how each of her colleagues becomes an ally in the pursuit of a common goal. "The diversity of profiles within The Collective strengthens our ability to advance the JCCM's mission across a multitude of sectors, industries and experiences."

As an ambassador, Sybile ensures that she is the voice of the community she represents.

In her opinion, it is no longer possible to keep one's blinkers on and follow the traditional path without becoming actively involved in the issues facing our society. Sybile can attest to this, drawing on her many years of involvement with the JCCM: "We have a host of exceptional profiles who can truly influence and transform mindsets. We are sowing seeds within our own business communities and companies. If we all carry the same message, it can only help change things."

Rapid-fire questions

🤍What advice would you have liked to have received 10 years ago?

To take full advantage of the richness of the network.

đź•°What's your biggest priority right now?

Prioritizing my time so I can be wherever I want to be!

🪄Why did you decide to do the work you do today?

Because I love inspiring wonder, creating memorable experiences and making authentic connections with others.





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